Induction Motor Performance Analyser

Efficiency Measurement of MOTORS

Torque Measurement of MOTORS

Losses Evalution


The IMPA provides complete measurement of electrical and mechanical parameters. The measured parameters are grouped and shown in user screen dashboards.

In motor analysis dashboards online measured parameters are estimated for full load conditions and shown along with recommended or rated values taken from either name plate of the motor or according to NEMA guidelines/ IEC guidelines.

The evaluated data are provided in 3 color levels (Severity Charts) which would allow user to employ better maintenance practice

Hardware Features:

Large 7" TFT Display is provided to display various electrical and mechanical parameters.

Motor parameters are configured through touch panel.

The system has built in RTC(Real tme clock)

RS 485 Port supporting Modbus – RTU protocol is provided.

Networking of IMPA Node:

The Inline IMPA System is designed for monitoring multiple motor performances in the industries. The IMPA Inline are provided with RS 485 connectivity supporting MODBUS – RTU protocol. Multi IMPA nodes can be networked using twisted pair RS 485 cable and data can be collected in centralized server. The IMMS (Induction Motor Monitoring System) software is used to collect and process the data in the server.

Web Enabled IMPA Node:

The IMPA (Inline) can be made Web Enabled by connecting a GPRS Modem to the RS 485 port of IMPA node. The GPRS Modem transmits the data to the remote cloud server at predefined intervals. The IMMSW (Induction Motor management System Web) Software running in the cloud server collects the data and process the data and hosts them in user-friendly WEB Pages. The user can use a standard internet browser to log on to the system and can view the performance of the motors from the remote location anywhere in the world.

Software Package:

The IMMS (Induction motor monitoring System) software is used to collect the data from IMPA 2005. The collected data is stored in the MYSQL data base and various analyses with respect to the performance of the motors are done.

Inline – IMPA 2005:

The Inline IMPA 2005 is a standalone system, which is capable of monitoring the motor performance continuously. The Inline IMPA 2005 is most suitable for monitoring the performamce of the motors used in critical applications. The unit was built around ARM controller and precision energy measurement circuits.

The Inline IMPA is connected to the motor permanently. The IMPA is designed to operate with both LT and HT motors. The voltage inputs are field selectable either 415 V directly for LT motors or 110 V from HT PT'S for HT motors. The current inputs are also field selectable either 5A/1A from external CT'S.

The Speed sensor, Vibration sensor and Temperature sensor are mounted on approprite location on the motor and are connected to the IMPA unit through external cable. The stator resistance is measured through milli ohm meter and is fed into the IMPA unit for calculations.

IMMS/IMMSW Features:

Collects the data from IMPA Inline continuosly and stores them in the data base at predefined intervals.

Online data representation and graphical presentation.

Display instant data in real time trends.

Processing of stored data.

Facility to plot various graphs like Load vs Efficiency and Speed Vs Torque etc.

Facility to compare performance of various machines.

Analysis of losses through pie chart.

Analysis of vital parameters through multi color severity indicators (Rated Vs Actual)

Report generation and printing of reports.

Facility to export the data in excel spread sheet.

ETPL Portable IMPA-2000:

The ETPL Portable IMPA 2000 is a portable instrument, with which one can perform spot analysis on the test motor. This instrument is best suitable for conducting on-site energy audits. The unit was built around ARM controller and precision energy measurement circuits.

The IMPA is designed to work for both LT and HT motors, the motor terminal voltages are measured directly (440 VLL rms) by clamping on the motor terminals and the motor current is measured by using Clamp – ON current transformers(CT).

In the case of HT motors, the motor terminal voltages are measured by connecting the IMPA unit to the secondary of potential transformers (PT) used in the HT panels (110 VLL rms) and the motor current is measured using Clamp – ON current transformer (CT) connected in the secondary of the HT CT’S is installed in the HT panel (5A or 1 A).

The Speed sensor, Vibration sensor and Temperature sensor are mounted on approprite locations on the motors and are connected to the IMPA unit through external cable. The stator resistance is measured through milli ohm meter and is fed into the IMPA unit for calculations.

Modes of Operation:

Spot Analysis Mode:(SAM)

In spot analysis mode, the system operations in interactive mode. The user has the provision to perform Load Vs Effciency, Torque Vs Speed characteristics. At every point of the load conditions, an average of 10 sets of reading are taken and stored on the SD Card with time stamp.

After completing the test operation the data stored in the IMPA can be downloaded into the PC and detailed analysis on the performance of the motor can be done.

Continuous Analysis Mode:(CAM)

In the continuous analysis mode, the IMPA has the provision to record all the electrical and mechanical parameters of the motor at predefined interval. The data is stord on the SD card. The system can accommodate maximum of 4GB SD Card, which provides data logging for more than a year even with 1 minute storage interval.

The test can be performed on numbers of motors and data is stored under different file names, after completing the test operation the data stored in the IMPA can be downloaded into the PC and detailed analysis on the performance of the motor can be done.

Technical Specifications

S.No Description/Parameters Specifications
1 Input Connection Type 3-Phase Star/Delta Connected
2 Input Voltage (LT) 415 RMS (L-L)(-40% to +20%)
3 Input Current (LT) 500A (Clamp on CT)
4 Input Voltage(HT) 110 RMS (L-LX-40% to +20%) (Panel PT’s with class 1 or class 0.5 accuracy is preferred)
5 Input Current (HT) 5A (Clamp on CT)(Panel CT’s with class 1 or class 0.5 accuracy is preferred)
6 Power Measurement Accuracy Class 1 (as per IEC62053-11)
7 Program Mode Selection LT/HT, 500A/5A, Star/Delta
8 Safety Protections Protection against high voltage surge Transients, EMI, ESD ETC
S.No Vibration and Temperature Measurement
1 Vibration Sensor Type Accelerometer
2 Vibration Velocity Range 0-10 mm/s
3 Accuracy 0.5% OFS
4 Temperature Sensor Type RTD – PT 100
5 Temperature Range 0-200 deg c
6 Accuracy 0.2% OFS
S.No Vibration and Temperature Measurement
1 Vibration Sensor Type Accelerometer
2 Vibration Velocity Range 0-10 mm/s
3 Accuracy 0.5% OFS
4 Temperature Sensor Type RTD – PT 100
5 Temperature Range 0-200 deg c
6 Accuracy 0.2% OFS

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Location: Plot No 122,Sengundrum Industrial Area, Melrosapuram Post,
Singaperumal Koil Via, Chengalpattu District, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 603 204, India

Office: +91 99622 80061/ 81, Mobile: +91 98841 15622


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